Are you a faith-based entrepreneur or professional and need help getting your marriage back on track confidently?

You can be healed, empowered, and restored in just 6 weeks

Are you a faith-based entrepreneur or professional and need help getting your marriage back on track confidently?





Does this sound like you?

Right now, you are thriving in your career.  You are the decision-maker and the leader at work or in your business.

However, your marriage is falling apart.  You are walking confidently in the boardroom, but silently at home.

Your multiple roles as a wife, mother, and entrepreneur/professional have become challenging to balance.

You and your husband are sleeping in separate bedrooms and simple communication has become a task to bear.  

Your heart is filled with bitterness because you feel drained and broken with no other option.

Despite your fear of judgment, you’ve tried programs, self-help marriage books, and even counseling, but nothing seems to help. 

You are looking for the support that will help you navigate this hard season of marriage and provide strategies to prevent this from happening in the future.  

Why You're Here:

You’re tired of sleeping in separate beds, not speaking to each other, and living like roommates. You feel like a hostage in your own home, and you know you want your husband BACK. 

You have been praying that your husband would change, but the brokenness you feel has become a weight and you don’t know how to move past the hurt. You know that you deserve a healed, healthy, and thriving marriage, but you don’t know where to start.  

Putting the broken pieces back together is absolutely possible once you learn how to walk through this hard season of marriage with confidence utilizing the right tools and strategies. It’s the same strategies I’ve used over a decade to help faith-based entrepreneurs and professional women get healed and build a deeper connection with their husbands.

After 15 years of teaching faith-based entrepreneurs and professional women how to navigate the different seasons of marriage, I’ve noticed common mistakes. 

Here are 8 common mistakes most wives are making that are holding them back from having a healthy marriage.

  1. Not changing hats when it’s time to disconnect from work. Still trying to be the boss in the marriage and not allowing your husband to lead. 
  2. Using negative words as a vehicle to influence change in your husband’s behavior. 
  3. Not seeking help when needed. 
  4. Stop talking when things don’t go your way.  
  5. Focusing only on the spiritual aspect of the relationship and not understanding the impact and the value practical application has on your marriage.  
  6. Thinking the problem will correct itself.   
  7. Not looking at the bigger picture, your marriage is about legacy, your children. 
  8. Not creating an atmosphere where your husband feels respected. 

Imagine how much more fulfilled you'd feel once you can...


Communicate your feelings without coming across as controlling or demeaning.

Establish healthy boundaries at work and in your business to disconnect and be present in your marriage.

Create a safe space for your husband to share his feelings.

Sleep in the same bed and live like partners not like roommates.

Accept the challenges, articulate your expectations, and reduce the complaining.

Be vulnerable and feel safe enough to open your heart to your husband and share your feelings.  


Balance being an entrepreneur, wife, and mother without feeling guilty. Give yourself grace as you are becoming the wife you want to be. 



Week 1: Identify Opportunities to Improve Your Marriage

Week 2: Use Your Authority to Influence Change in Your Marriage



Week 3: Identify Your Needs as a Wife


Week 4: Understand God’s Role in Your Marriage



Week 5: Your Husband. He’s Not the Enemy


Week 6: How to Recognize when Seasons Change



10-Weekly Group Calls

 4 - 1:1 30 minute sessions with me during the program

3 Workbooks (Becoming Healed, Becoming Empowered, Becoming Restored)

8 Audible Prayers

24 Hour Support in Private FB Community

7 Additional Lessons 

  • The Power of the Oil
  • What Type of Communicator Are You?
  • Affirmations and Needs
  • You are His Rib
  • In-Laws or Out-Laws?
  • The Power of Your Attitude
  • Declare and Decree What You Want to See

There are only 10 spots for this group coaching program. Small group to maximize results.

Investment Options



one time payment




6 payments



My husband and I were separated and now our relationship and marriage are new. God transformed my marriage beyond words and showed me my role.  I had to change as a wife.  I can honestly say your program saved me and helped me learn how to trust God in my marriage, how to have peace in my marriage, and how to be the wife my husband needs.   I am learning and growing as a wife. Your words of wisdom have changed my life and saved my marriage. 


I just want to say thank you for being such a big part of why I continue to stand for my marriage.  We will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary and I owe a great deal to you.  I was in a very dark season of my marriage a few months ago, and because of your obedience to God, I have survived that season.  You are such a blessing in my life.


Real Women. Real Results. 


My husband and I were separated and now our relationship and marriage are new. God transformed my marriage beyond words and showed me my role.  I had to change as a wife.  I can honestly say your program saved me and helped me learn how to trust God in my marriage, how to have peace in my marriage, and how to be the wife my husband needs.   I am learning and growing as a wife. Your words of wisdom have changed my life and saved my marriage. 


I just want to say thank you for being such a big part of why I continue to stand for my marriage.  We will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary and I owe a great deal to you.  I was in a very dark season of my marriage a few months ago, and because of your obedience to God, I have survived that season.  You are such a blessing in my life.


Meet Your Coach

I am a Wife Coach that helps Faith-Based Entrepreneurs and Professional Wives walk through the hard season of marriage with the confidence and tangible strategies to get their marriage back on track.  I have been in Corporate for over 28 years and have been married for 31 years.  I have been in your shoes and know what it takes to have a healthy marriage.  I have been working with wives for over 20 years to help them overcome the challenges in marriage confidently.

My strategies have changed the lives of many wives and saved many marriages.  I offer my transparency in the trials I’ve overcome and walk hand in hand with you.  I am a midwife to wives.  I will help you fight through the pain and birth something beautiful in your marriage.  

Frequently Asked Questions

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Don't let another season go by without getting the support your marriage needs. In just 6 weeks you will be fully equipped to navigate the hard season that comes with marriage. Take action now

Enroll now so you can get your marriage back on track.  The power resides in you! Only 15 spots are available! 

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